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The Oral History Archives Project

The mission of the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Archives Project is to preserve the Peace Corps experience since its inception through in-depth oral interviews of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs), Staff and Counterparts. 


Interviews are conducted by volunteer RPCVs and archived at the University of Kentucky Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Since its inception in 1999, over 800 interviews have been recorded and archived.


In the words of founder Klein:


"We believe that the history of the Peace Corps lies within the unique experience of each Peace Corps Volunteer. Thus, the goal of the Project is to build up a comprehensive collection of firsthand narratives by those who have served. These interviews epitomize the special character of Peace Corps service --- we are part of the Peace Corps project but we serve as individuals." 


Robert Klein in “Archival Project,” October 11, 2011


If you are interested in participating in the Peace Corps Oral History Project by being interviewed, becoming an interviewer, or becoming an indexer for previous interviews, you can contact the project at:


Over 520 interviews were recorded on audiocassette tapes and are indexed in the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Collection at the JFK Library. Beginning in 2015 interviews are recorded digitally and can be accessed online. Funds are currently being raised to digitize this library so it will be accessible to the public. Learn how you can contribute at: